Our Service
The service of our tools is done by us. We have not outsourced this item to external service companies. Like other quality tool manufacturer we are always at the disposition of our customers and can be contacted for queries or problems anytime.
Service matters always get our immediate attention. They have top priority over all other tasks.
But our service works a little different from what you are used to. It is based on modern PC and internet technology.
The "EP500-Control Program“-package also includes a module on service thus guaranteeing a quality service at all levels.
If the tool operator has difficulties with the tool (e.g. no test value or a test value other than expected) he can contact the tool manufacturer by simply clicking the mouse on the button “contact tool manufacturer”:
By clicking the key „Attach test data“ will retrieve any test data file records (few A4 pages with numerical data) of the last maximum 12 single or serial test including detailed internal data on all test and regulation circuits of the guarded hot plate apparatus λ-Meter EP500e and add it to the report.
By clicking the function “Attach signal-time-graph” the entire time-graphs of all relevant test signals will be retrieved from the latest and most recent test and attached to the problem report. These include the graphs of all (17!) temperature and heat-flow test signals, of the current and voltage of the heater and of thermal conductivity from start to end of test. This is needed for analysing the performance of the guarded hot plate apparatus λ-Meter EP500e.
All these data are saved in the tool for random access. They will only be written over and updated by new data.
A saved lambda-time-graph can be selected from the shown list of “temporary graphs” and be added to the problem report. Another database file (and its index file) can also be included in the report. If the guarded hot plate apparatus λ-Meter EP500e controlling PC is linked to the internet the problem report can be sent to the laboratory of Lambda-Meßtechnik GmbH Dresden for further action. If however there is no direct link to the internet the report can be saved by clicking the “save” button. It can then be transferred onto another PC workstation and e-mailed from there to the laboratory of Lambda-Meßtechnik GmbH Dresden.
The “problem report for error analysis” contains all relevant data for identifying the error and enables the tool supplier to do a qualified diagnosis of the error over distance for immediate remedy.
For using this service you don’t need to make phone calls. Knowledge of the German or English language is not necessary.
The “problem report for error analysis” will be processed by our staff immediately after receipt. You will have our response within a few hours.
The review of the “problem report for error analysis” is done free of charge not just within the warranty period but for many years after the warranty has lapsed.
We will know if the problem was caused by incorrect operational action or input (e.g. during tool operations training). In such case we will provide an immediate response by telephone or e-mail and give appropriate support for remedy.
Similarly we will be able to identify a tool failures.
We can remedy tool failures in many cases without on-site repair or service. The tool is fitted with a number of redundant components which will be activated in case of a tool down by changing the customised software.
Or else we will provide detailed instructions so that you can remedy the failure yourself. Alternatively you may disassemble the printed circuit board and return it to us for repair.
The printed circuit boards of the tool are mounted and arranged in systematic order. They cannot be mistaken. The user will nevertheless get detailed instructions for disassembly with illustrations and explanations in his mother language. Even an unexperienced layman can easily carry out the replacement.
In case of an error or a tool down a return of the tool to Dresden will only be necessary in exceptional cases. And this also applies to the time long after expiry of warranty.
If a tool has been returned to us in Dresden, we will take care of its service immediately. We will do the repair and send it back to you as soon as possible. We try to keep tool-down times at a minimum. If necessary a replacement tool can be provided for the interim.
The tool user may also use the “problem report for error analysis” for proving and documenting that his tool has not had any test errors during the operations period (e.g. reports according to ISO 9000). The results of the tests on the reference specimen, which are done at regular intervals are e-mailed in the format of the „problem report for error analysis” and to the laboratory of Lambda-Meßtechnik GmbH Dresden for evaluation. The laboratory will then analyse these data. The report helps to identify internal tool deviations for the individual variables that are used to calculate the conductivity even if the test values have no significant discrepancy. All results of this examination will be documented in another report. If actual discrepancies will occur anytime the tool user will of course get the best support possible to remedy the deviation and the tool will be restored to maximum accuracy.